
The Think Like an Owner podcast seeks out conversations with small company owners and investors to learn how to acquire and run small companies, with a focus on search funds, micro private equity, and permanent capital.

Episode 232

We discuss the latest findings from the 2024 Stanford Search Fund Study, which reviews trends from the past two years.

Episode 231

Rick and Royce are Harvard professors for entrepreneurship through acquisition and co-authors of the most popular and well-known piece of content in search, the HBR book How to Buy a Small Business.

Episode 226

A.J. and I talk about being a professor and how to get involved if you’d like to teach, why students do not pursue entrepreneurship through acquisition and work-life integration as CEO, a topic A.J. has written and thought very deeply about, and more

Episode 208

My guest on this episode is Richard Reese. Richard took over as CEO of Iron Mountain, a physical records management business, in 1981. He ran the business as CEO through going public in 1996 before retiring from the role in 2013.

Epiosode 203

David is an investor, former CEO, professor at Stanford, and as of July 13th, 2023, an influential author having published his first book, The Manager’s Handbook.

Episode 191

Today is the 6th episode in our Launch Series, a partnered episode series with Pacific Lake Partners and Trilogy Search Partners on preparing for the CEO role as a search fund.

Episode 187

Today’s episode is the fifth in our Launch Series, in partnership with Trilogy Search Partners and Pacific Lake Partners.

Episode 182

Today’s conversation with Jim Vesterman focuses on seller relationships during the deal process.

Episode 180

David is an investor, former CEO, professor at Stanford, and as of July 13th, 2023, an influential author having published his first book, The Manager’s Handbook.

Episode 178

This is our third episode in our Launch Series, this conversation focused on managing the due diligence process after a signed LOI with past guest Ryan Turk, CEO of Radiation Detection Company, and Keith Gross, Partner at Pacific Lake.
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