Think Like An Owner Newsletter

Our newsletter is our primary distribution channel for our latest research and stories on how small companies grow.

Recent Issues

On Feedback

Feedback Helps You, Your Employees, And Your Business Get Better

Working In Parallels

If Everyone Waited On You To Finish Your Workload As A Leader, Nothing Would Ever Get Done.

Annual Letters

Each year I write an annual letter to readers and listeners to reflect on the evolution of the podcast and my personal growth.

2021 Annual Letter

What a year it’s been. My wife, Michelle, was accepted into Creighton University’s physical therapy doctorate program and in June 2021 we moved with our corgi, Cici, from Portland, Oregon to Omaha, Nebraska.

2020 Annual Letter: It’s Business Time

While 2020 was turbulent to say the least, it was the best year of my life. I married my lovely wife in late August, adopted a corgi, and began working on the Think Like an Owner podcast full-time.

2019 Annual Letter: Gaining Traction

Before getting to the podcast, 2019 was a tremendous year personally. I flew to DC for a FinTwit gathering hosted by Jamie Catherwood, graduated college with a new job, and got engaged.

2018 Annual Letter to Readers and Listeners

As a fun goal for myself, I’ve decided to start writing annual (and possibly quarterly) letters for the Think Like an Owner project to reflect on the growth of the podcast, discussion around the micro private equity market, and my personal learning.

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